Non-Scientific Proofreading

Non-Scientific Proofreading Costs

The Non-scientific proofreading is the proofreading of non-scientific materials, i.e., CVs, cover letters, other business correspondence, promotional material etc. If you take look on my Linked-In profile you will see I have a profound background knowledge in marketing and business.

I can call upon my experience at Mentorium and my work as a product manager in the past to not only give you a fantastic proof-reading service, but also hints on improving your promotional aspects. My service doesn’t include any legal or otherwise documents of the law.

Costs per Standard PageMax. No. Standard PagesMax. Time Allocation
Basic5,00€*10014 days
More10,00€*50030 days
Fast20,00€*5007 days
Faster50,00€*1003 days

* excluding German sales tax (@ 19%) and 10€ office charge

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Jason Hann

CEO and Founder

+49 02463 7909166‬

Tree Nation

Global deforestation is a major problem for me. In some cases, beautiful views and wonderful forests have been ruined by deforestation. So, I’ve decided to do something about it. When Rollei sponsored my first tree I immediately knew what I wanted to do. For every assignment on, I will have trees planted to make my virtual forest grow and to make this world a better place for everyone. If you are interested in helping my forest grow, please give me an assignment. This link will take you to my virual forest at Tree-Nation

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… ist Teil von JHCorporate. Alle Übersetzungen sind von Alle Bilder sind in Selektiver Koloration gehalten. Graphik und Design sind von Selldon Photography (www.