Language Services in Writing

Language Services

This company specialises in English and German and only offers language services in these languages:

British EnglishAmerican English
Federal GermanAustrian German

Overview of all Language Services provided

Scientific Proofreading in British and American English

Translations from German to British and American English

Rewriting in British and American English

British and American English Transcriptions

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… is part of JHCorporate. All translations were carried out by All images used are in selective coloration and all graphic design and implementation was done by Selldon Photography (

… ist Teil von JHCorporate. Alle Übersetzungen sind von Alle Bilder sind in Selektiver Koloration gehalten. Graphik und Design sind von Selldon Photography (www.

Sources / Quellen

Graphics and Design /
Grafik und Design
Selldon Photography (
Flags / FlaggenDesigned by Luis_Molinero / Freepik
Icons / IconsDesigned by ibrandify / Freepik